The first thing you should do when you enter programming mode is locate your cursor. Look on the top line, first character and you should see a small underscore, this is your cursor. To move the cursor around you use the left and right soft keys (the three keys directly underneath your display). To scroll through the different programming items you use the volume up and the volume down. When you find the programming code you want (called an MMC – Machine Man Code) press the Speaker Key to access that item.
To Recap:
- Left and Right soft key – moves the cursor around
- Volume up and down – moves you through the different options for the field where your cursor is located.
- speaker – enter / exit a programming item
- transfer -exit programming mode
If you are ever unsure about what you are doing or where you are in programming lift and replace the handset, this will take you out of programming mode without saving any changes.
There is the potential to do some real damage to your system operation as well so if are not sure what you’re doing and you are in the Orlando Florida area call us and we can have a technician come out, 407-834-2700.